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A Brief History of North East Africa Province

A Brief History of North East Africa Province

The Beginnings

In 1956, at the request of Cardinal Rugambwa, the house of Mugana in Tanzania was opened. The Pioneer sisters were: M. Angelina Rivetta, Giuseppina Grillo, Vittoria Piccolo and Carolina Gandini. They were engaged in the health care and promotion of women and children. From 1966 to 1969 Mugana was part of the Delegation “St. Joseph” Vimercate.
From 1969 to 1981, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi and Zaire formed a delegation of Mother Bakhita. Then from 1982 to 1984, Tanzania, Malawi and Zaire became three distinct delegations. Then, from 1985 to 1987, Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi became Vice Province “Josephine Bakhita”. In 1988 it was given a new name “Queen of Apostles. In 1991, the Vice Province “Queen of Apostles” became a Province, with M. Bocardo Mary as the Provincial Superior.

Our beginnings: Our mothers with cardinal Rugambwa and Mwalimu Julius Nyerere

At Present

As at 31st December 2023, Queen of Apostles Province -North East Africa is spread in four countries: Sudan, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

We have 82 Sisters, the average age being 49.5. The specific demographics are as follows:

  • 10 Asians
  • 1 European
  • 71 Africans

The Africans are distributes as follows:

  • 40 Tanzanians
  • 16 Ugandans
  • 10 Kenyans
  • 1 Sudanese
  • 4 Malawians

In terms of discernment,

  • 65 Sisters are Perpetually professed
  • 17 Temporary professed,
  • 9 Novices,
  • 4 Postulants, and
  • 6 Aspirants.

Our main apostolic ministries are Education (formal and non-formal), Evangelization and Catechesis, Pastoral Health Care (Dispensaries, Hospitals, Home Based Care Clinics and visiting the sick), Formation of the Laity and Lay Canossians, Spiritual Exercises in different forms, and care of “the vulnerable” wherever we are. Our mode of operating is preventive, promotional and collaborative with other partners. The extent of this collaboration and influencing factors vary from place to place.
We carry out the mission of making Jesus known and loved in the local Church, in collaboration with the Lay Canossians, the Secular Missionaries of St. Magdalene and all “people of good will”. In our ministries, we work with Christians of other denominations and of other religions with respect and collaboration. Ecumenism and interreligious dialogue take place at concrete level of day to day life.

Our Strategic Profile

Spurred on to become joyful and prophetic witnesses, we the Canossian Daughters of Charity of the North-Eastern Africa Province are committed to making Christ known and loved in every sphere of the society in which we serve:
We will achieve this through faithful pursuance of the following strategic thrusts:

  • Being Faith-filled (F) Canossian Sisters who consciously work to live a life of conversion and integration, and becoming architects of communion;
  • Dedicating (D) ourselves to willingly serve the poor, needy and marginalized;
  • Cultivating (C) joyful and sustainable partnerships and collaborations among Sisters and with the laity, where possible, across all our ministries, programs and services; and,
  • Creating (C) platforms and programs to evangelize and promote our vocation.

By God’s Grace and through our authentic witnessing, we will draw young women to our way of life and further build the Kingdom of God.

Canossian Daughters of Charity North East Africa- Who we are

Canossian Daughters of Charity North East Africa- Who we are


Canossian Daughters of Charity is an Institute of Consecrated women founded on 8th May 1808 in Verona – Italy by St Magdalene of Canossa (S. Maddalena Gabrielle di Canossa). Here is an overview of our Institute.


Through a life of consecration, communion and humble service, “the contemplation of Jesus Christ who breathes nothing but charity leads the Sisters to have a heart of a mother and the ardor of an apostle and witness God’s saving love for humanity” to prevent sin.


Women of the Word, loving without measure, reconfiguration to a life of holiness in and for the mission of today


Above all, “To make Jesus known and loved” in every sphere of the society in which we serve specially the poorest


Attentive to the love that shines on the Cross, we model our way of loving on that of the Lord, in humility and radical detachment animated by a Spirit of charity, gentleness, meekness, of zeal and fortitude, of most amiable, most generous and most patient spirit.

  1. To be prophetic witnesses of our time in the societies we live
  2. To dedicate ourselves to serve the poor, needy and the marginalized
  3. To cultivate joyful and sustainable partnerships and collaborations among Sisters and laity across all ministries, programs and services
  4. To create spaces and programs for evangelization and promotion of our vocation
  5. To love Mary, Mother of Charity at the foot of the Cross

Propelled by the Love that shines on the crucified Jesus, we respond to the call of Charity without boundaries, to a service with a generous heart through

  1. Education – the “behavior of the person in life depends on the education received.” Hence, we foster holistic growth of children, adolescents and young people to “prevent and impede sin” through the “formation of the heart” forming them to be agents of change in the society they live according to Gospel values.  We give special attention to women, making them aware of their dignity, giving opportunities to build their capacity so that they may carry out their mission in the family, society and Church.
  2. Evangelization – “There is no act of charity as perfect as that of helping our neighbor to love God.” We expend ourselves with untiring generosity in the holy exercises of the Church so that Christ may be the heart of the world.
  3. Pastoral Healthcare – Faithful to the teachings of the Church to promote the culture of life in all its stages and expressions, we regard the sick as the living images of Christ Himself and we are “ready, if necessary, to expose our lives in the exercise of Holy Charity.”
  4. Formation of the Laity – To promote the “spread of the Glory of God”, we form lay people called to dedicate themselves to apostolate specially in the field of education, catechesis and charitable works so that they may become guides and co-workers in the ecclesial community and in society.
  5. Spiritual Exercises and retreats – We offer the opportunity for times of special encounter with the Lord through spiritual Exercises, retreats, direction and accompaniment.